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Considering A Move?

Posted by Jennifer Andrews on December 30, 2020
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If 2020 has made you rethink your housing needs, give us a call. We can help you find the perfect home to suit your lifestyle.

If you are looking for a home in Fruita or the North Area, we would love to introduce you to the builders we work with! We work with the developers of both Adobe Falls Subdivision and Emerald Ridge Estates.

We have both been in the new construction business most of our lives. We literally grew up in it, with fathers that built homes, and have been married to custom home builders. We understand the ins & outs of building a home from the ground up! It is our privilege to walk you through the process of designing and building your new home.

If you have a list of the things you need in your new home – and maybe a few things you never want to have again! – give us a call. We can help you design a home that fits your needs and your budget.

View on Instagram https://instagr.am/p/CJbTyPMnL-S/

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