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Where Would You Rather Live?

Posted by Jennifer Andrews on November 24, 2019
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Which would you prefer? In the most recent Buyers and Sellers Report from the National Association of Realtors, more than half of buyers surveyed preferred to live in the suburbs. ⁣
What about you?

Which would you prefer? In the most recent Buyers and Sellers Report from the National Association of Realtors, more than half of buyers surveyed preferred to live in the suburbs. ⁣

What about you?

If you are looking to get out of the city, might we offer an alternate to the suburbs or exurbs?

Grand Junction is a small city on Colorado’s Western Slope. The city itself has just over 60,000 people, but it is surrounded by farm land, and has several smaller towns and cities sharing the valley. We have easy access to world class outdoor recreation, a local university, a vibrant downtown, and it’s a great place to grow up, or enjoy no longer working!

If you are interested in more information about Grand Junction, we invite you to read our blog all about Grand Junction & the Surrounding Area!

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