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Looking Towards 2020

Posted by Jennifer Andrews on November 22, 2019
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In an article this week, Inman News discussed the 2020 housing market. Mortgage rates should stay lower for a while longer, and they are expecting housing costs to stabilize a bit while incomes catch up. ⁣
The trends show that 3 out of every 5 buyers have never bought a home before – and those homebuyers are getting younger. ⁣
The group most likely to purchase the most homes? Milennials, aged 23-38, followed by Gen-X. Around 75% in both groups will be purchasing their first home.⁣
If you are tired of renting, we may be able to help. We love working with first-time homebuyers, and can help you find the right local lender to help you through the process.⁣
The dream of home ownership doesn’t have to wait until you are in your 40’s or 50’s. Getting your financial house in order at a younger age will help you throughout your life.⁣
Give us a call!⁣
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In an article this week, Inman News discussed the 2020 housing market. Mortgage rates should stay lower for a while longer, and they are expecting housing costs to stabilize a bit while incomes catch up. ⁣

The trends show that 3 out of every 5 buyers have never bought a home before – and those homebuyers are getting younger. ⁣

The group most likely to purchase the most homes? Milennials, aged 23-38, followed by Gen-X. Around 75% in both groups will be purchasing their first home.⁣

If you are tired of renting, we may be able to help. We love working with first-time homebuyers, and can help you find the right local lender to help you through the process.⁣

The dream of home ownership doesn’t have to wait until you are in your 40’s or 50’s. Getting your financial house in order at a younger age will help you throughout your life.⁣

Give us a call!⁣
??? ???????? ???????????, ???.⁣
???-???-???? | ????@??????.???

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