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Gratitude Challenge, Day 3

Posted by Jennifer Andrews on November 3, 2019
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Spending time with family is something that is often taken for granted. We can get so caught up in the business of life that we forget to set aside the time to spend with those closest to us.⁣
Today was a day that was set aside for my grandparents. One to two weekends a month we take them a meal and spend some time with them – eating, playing games, and just visiting. It is time that is dedicated to them, and it is so precious! ⁣
What are you thankful for today?

Spending time with family is something that is often taken for granted. We can get so caught up in the business of life that we forget to set aside the time to spend with those closest to us.⁣

Today was a day that was set aside for my grandparents. One to two weekends a month we take them a meal and spend some time with them – eating, playing games, and just visiting. It is time that is dedicated to them, and it is so precious! ⁣

What are you thankful for today?

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