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Gratitude Challenge: Day 18

Posted by Jennifer Andrews on November 18, 2019
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One thing that always amazes me is the access that we have to knowledge – both modern and ancient. While some things have been lost over the centuries, humanity has access to more ‘stuff’ now than we ever have before! ⁣
If there is something that you want to learn about, there is a way to find out more. All it takes is the desire to learn and a little bit of digging.⁣
Technology has made the world smaller by connecting us, and has also make the world’s great mysteries more accessible. It’s fantastic!⁣
If only I had the time to learn everything I’m interested in! ⁣
What are you thankful for today?

One thing that always amazes me is the access that we have to knowledge – both modern and ancient. While some things have been lost over the centuries, humanity has access to more ‘stuff’ now than we ever have before! ⁣

If there is something that you want to learn about, there is a way to find out more. All it takes is the desire to learn and a little bit of digging.⁣

Technology has made the world smaller by connecting us, and has also make the world’s great mysteries more accessible. It’s fantastic!⁣

If only I had the time to learn everything I’m interested in! ⁣

What are you thankful for today?

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