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February 2019 Market Update

Posted by Jennifer Andrews on March 14, 2019
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Welcome to our February 2019 Market Update!

Colorado Market Update

The housing market in Colorado has been fairly consistent with this time last year across the state, as can be seen in the info-graphic below. Prices have continued to rise, but the rapid rise does appear to be slowing down some.

Infographic of the housing market in colorado for february 2019


Mesa County – Local Market Update

Here in Mesa County, our median prices are lower than the state average, however, the market in Mesa County is still steadily increasing. Home prices in Mesa County have seen a more drastic increase over this time last year verses statewide. Our inventory is lower, however, for people who want to purchase a home here in Mesa County. If you are thinking about selling your home, now is a great time!

Now that Spring is almost here, new housing starts will begin, and they will come available over the next few months.


housing market information for mesa county

Mesa County Local Market Update (LMU)

If you are ready to sell your home or want to purchase one here in the Grand Valley, give us a call! We would love to help you make the transition from the home you are in to a new home!

If you would like to stay up-to-date on the market in Mesa County, please subscribe to our newsletter!


New Construction in Fruita

If you are looking for a new home in Fruita, Adobe Falls Homes will be building new homes that will be available this Spring & Summer, alongside the pre-sold homes that they have already begun. Lots have been selling through the Winter months in preparation for Spring, and three homes have already broken ground!

Give us a call to reserve your lot & begin designing your dream home in Adobe Falls!

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