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Are you looking for a large yard, covered patio, RV parking, and great views in the North area? Come visit us in Emerald Ridge Estates! 854 Fire Agate is a 3 bedroom, 2.5 bath home with a large covered patio and double master suites. RV parking on the north side and a 3-car garage. This is the first of the Amethyst models, and there are 2 more under construction. Stop by 1-4 pm weekdays to meet with one of our on-site agents. #emeraldridge #ere #newconstruction #newhome #grandjunctionrealestate #buildyourhome #northgrandjunction #rvparking #3cargarage #views #nowbuilding #designyourhome #bringthedog #largeyard #NHDI @emeraldridgeestates
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