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Stairwell Chandelier

Posted by Jennifer Andrews on December 12, 2018
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Stairwell Chandelier with old brick, marble tile, & pressed ceiling in a downtown remodel.

The architectural details in this stairwell are beautifully blended. Old original brickwork, marble tiles, a pressed ceiling, dark wood stair treads, & a gorgeous chandelier come together to make for a stunning stairwell.

If you are ever headed up the stairs to Abstract & Title of Mesa County, make sure you look up! If you don’t, you will miss out on this beauty.

Photo taken at: Grand Junction, Colorado

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Abstract Stairwell Chandelier in Cendera Remodel
Looking up, almost in the center.
stairwell chandelier in the Cendera remodel
The side view of the chandelier

Cendera Mortgage bought the old Roper Music building on the corner of 5th & Rood, and did a full remodel of it. The following photos were taken the evening of their Grand Opening in February, 2018. They did such a nice job on the remodel! It’s always nice to see a remodel that is done with respect for the past. They incorporated as much of the original bones as they could. They even have the old wood & iron elevator sitting in the open space downstairs! I keep hoping a coffee shop will move in to that space… it’s perfect for it!

Cendera Mortgage building on 5th & Rood in Grand Junction
The chandelier sits behind the arched window on the 2nd floor
Cendera Mortgage Building on 5th & Rood in Grand Junction

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