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Real Estate Facts: Buckingham Palace

Posted by Jennifer Andrews on June 21, 2019
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Buckingham Palace resides in the very heart of London, surrounded by the lavish St. James and Green Park. ⁣Built as the Buckingham House in 1703, the palace was originally constructed by English Gentleman and architect William Winde as a large townhouse for Duke Buckingham. ⁣In 1761, King George III bought the property as a private residence for Queen Charlotte, earning it the title The Queen’s House. ⁣

In the 19th century, the residence underwent renovations, adding three additional wings that surround a central courtyard. ⁣In 1837, the palace became the London Residence of one of Britain’s most famous and longest reigning monarchs, Queen Victoria. ⁣Buckingham Palace features 775 rooms. Of these rooms, 188 are staff bedrooms, 92 offices, 78 bathrooms, 52 royal and guest bedrooms, and 19 state rooms. ⁣In total, the Buckingham palace grounds spans over 39 acres. ⁣

Despite the palace serving as an important place for the royal family, the Queen does not in fact privately own the residence. It is instead held in trust by the Crown Estates. ⁣It is the most valuable real estate in the world.


⁣⁣*info gathered from

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