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Gratitude Challenge

Posted by Jennifer Andrews on November 30, 2019
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To finish out our month of gratitude, we are sharing this quote from Marcus Tullius Cicero:⁣
“Gratitude is not only the greatest of virtues, but the parent of all the others.”⁣
If you look at each day with gratitude and thankfulness, your perspective will change. Looking for the good in each day will help you see the good, while looking for the bad will help you see the bad. ⁣
Choose to focus on the good in the world, and show your gratitude to those around you.⁣
How did you do on our gratitude challenge? Has it become a habit yet? We hope so! ⁣
May you have a blessed day!

To finish out our month of gratitude, we are sharing this quote from Marcus Tullius Cicero:⁣

“Gratitude is not only the greatest of virtues, but the parent of all the others.”⁣

If you look at each day with gratitude and thankfulness, your perspective will change. Looking for the good in each day will help you see the good, while looking for the bad will help you see the bad. ⁣

Choose to focus on the good in the world, and show your gratitude to those around you.⁣

How did you do on our gratitude challenge? Has it become a habit yet? We hope so! ⁣

May you have a blessed day!

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