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Gratitude Challenge: Day 26

Posted by Jennifer Andrews on November 25, 2019
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Just remember that while you may get Thursday & Friday off, there are many who do not. They work to keep us safe and healthy.⁣
Today we want to say thank you to those of you who work tirelessly to keep things going. Thank you to those deployed, to our first responders, to those who work in hospitals and nursing homes, those who work at gas stations and movie theaters and retail workers, thank you to those who are working at ??? job while we spend time with our families. We hope that you will havethe ability to spend time with your families as well.

Just remember that while you may get Thursday & Friday off, there are many who do not. They work to keep us safe and healthy.⁣

Today we want to say thank you to those of you who work tirelessly to keep things going. Thank you to those deployed, to our first responders, to those who work in hospitals and nursing homes, those who work at gas stations and movie theaters and retail workers, thank you to those who are working at ??? job while we spend time with our families. We hope that you will have the ability to spend time with your families as well.

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